September 9, 2024

Name Country Source Instructions Video
Boiereasca Romania Alexandru David Salt Spring Salt Spring
Apano Stin Triandafilia Greece Joe Graziosi Andrew Carnie YouTube
Hora de la Gorj Romania Mihai David Andrew Carnie YouTube
Mari Mome Bulgaria Gergana Panova Andrew Carnie YouTube
Millenium 5-Step Waltz USA Anthony Ivancich    
Brass Band Medley (PMK) Serbia Desa Dordevic and Milica Ilijin Federation YouTube
Do Mar Çiften (Helmer) Albania Sibylle Helmer, Roberto Bagnoli Andrew Carnie  
Melniško Horo Bulgaria Yves Moreau   YouTube
Halimem Turkey Ahmet Luleci    
Beleilot Hakayitz Hachamim Israel Tuvia Tischler SoCal YouTube
Staro Bansko Bulgaria Yves Moreau Andrew Carnie Youtube
Boyash Romanian Roma Daniel Sandu SoCal YouTube
Serez (Ivanović) Kosovo Marko Ivanović, Roberto Bagnoli Lyrids YouTube
Hora de la Rezina Romania Theodor Vasilescu Vasilescu YouTube
Hora Lăutărească (Kotansky) Romania Steve Kotansky SoCal  
Mori Čupi North Macedonia Atanas Kolarovski Andrew Carnie YouTube
Shoror (Paylak) Armenia Tineke van Geel Stockton SoCal

September 2, 2024

Name Country Source Instructions Video
Mahala Mori Shej Hungarian Roma Steve Kotansky Lyrids BIFD
Tinka (Oro Za Dit) Macedonia Steve Kotansky Andrew Carnie YouTube
Stamena Bulgaria Andrew Carnie YouTube
Libi Israel Yuval Tabashi Andrew Carnie Yuval Tabashi
Ec Ec Albanian (Italy) Roberto Bagnoli Stockton BIFD
Vulpiuţa Romania Sunni Bloland, Theodor Vasilescu Andrew Carnie YouTube
În Grădina Lui Ion Romania Theodor Vasilescu Andrew Carnie SoCal
Conkinata Bulgaria Belčo Stanev Andrew Carnie
Băuta de pe Vişina Romania Sonia & Cristian Andrew Carnie YouTube
Hopa Hopa (Kotansky) Albania-style Steve Kotansky, Roberto Bagnoli Andrew Carnie YouTube
Svatba Bulgarian Macedonia Belčo Stanev Federation YouTube
Inaduna Turkey Ahmet Lüleci MVFD YouTube
Lăutărească Romania Theodor Vasilescu, Maurits van Geel Andrew Carnie YouTube
Chukanoto “Vecherai Rado” Bulgaria Belčo Stanev Page 32 YouTube
Vlaško 2 (long) Bulgaria Yves Moreau and Jaap Leegwater Andrew Carnie YouTube
Joc Bătrânesc de la Niculiţel Romania Theodor Vasilescu Federation Vasilescu
T’filati Israel Avner Naim Shapiro Rokdim
Kırmızı Biber Turkey Roberto Bagnoli Lyrids BIFD
Manastir Turkey Ahmet Lüleci Andrew Carnie YouTube
Kloca Bulgaria Nikolay Tsvetkov, Roberto Bagnoli Stockton YouTube
Gaida (Theodor) Romania Theodor Vasilescu Federation YouTube
Sixteen Tons Israel Yoav Ashriel Andrew Carnie YouTube
Takanata Bulgaria Yves Moreau Takanata YouTube
Dancing on Water Netherlands Els Spiekermann Els Spiekermann
Ciobanasul Romania Silviu Ciuciumus FDS
Ina Ina Romania (Aroman) SE, Dobrogea Sonia & Cristian Andrew Carnie YouTube
Dobrudžanska Pandela Bulgaria Jaap Leegwater Andrew Carnie YouTube
Bum Bum Boje Macedonia Roberto Bagnoli Stockton
Hora Dupa Anton Pann Romania Theodor Vasilescu SFDC John
Schioapa Ciobaneasca Romania Theodor Vasilescu Andrew Carnie YouTube
Dar Gorani Armenia Eddy Jolalian/Erik Bendix Andrew Carnie YouTube
Julud Sacred Circle/Saharawi Sabine Reisinger Silvio Lorenzato YouTube
Ach Eleni Greece/Netherlands Tineke van Geel Andrew Carnie
A Sprengisandi Iceland Patrick MacNamara Singular SIFD Retreat
Roata Femeilor Romania Theodor Vasilescu Andrew Carnie SIFD
Valle per Hajredin Pasha Albania Steve Kotansky, Lee Otterholt, Roberto Bagnoli Andrew Carnie Seattle Balkan