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Let's Dance!

Join us in learning folk dances set to ethnic music from around the world in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Along the way, you will have fun, meet new people, be challenged, and get exercise without even realizing it.

If you can walk, you can dance!

Choose in-person and/or Zoom dancing. They have independent programs!

In-person dancing is in Walnut Road Elementary School Gym on Thursdays at 7:15pm.
No partner or costume required. Beginners are welcome.
See right-hand side-bar for upcoming dates.
If you have any COVID symptoms or are not feeling well, please wait until you are better before joining us.

Zoom dancing is on Mondays at 12:45pm. Click here for details on the program and how to join the Zoom meeting.

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Surrey International Folk Dancers dance to a new tune!

Dancing for Joy

December 3rd, 2024|0 Comments

People dance when they are happy but, as dance psychologist Peter Lovatt reveals, dancing results in a potent cocktail of feel-good brain chemicals, greater social bonding and enhanced creativity, all of which will keep you […]

Learn “Naluwan Palafang” with Sam Chiang

October 27th, 2024|0 Comments

Learn “Naluwan Palafang” with Sam Chiang on Nov 7

Surrey International Folk Dancers is pleased to welcome folk dance instructor Sam Wu-Shan Chiang for a special workshop on November 7. Sam will be teaching “Naluwan Palafang” […]

Researchers found that dancing was associated with only a 4 percent risk of developing a disability that affected daily activities, compared to 13 percent for non-dancers. Dancing requires balance, strength, and endurance, as well as cognitive abilities like adaptability, concentration, artistry, and memory for choreography. – Published March 25, 2019 by HealthAfter50 & BerkleyWellness (no longer available)

Listen to Joyce Resin on the Benefits of Dance

Physical exercise has an anti-aging effect on the hippocampus region of the brain – an area that controls memory, learning and balance. A new study, comparing different forms of exercise – dancing and endurance training – undertaken by elderly volunteers for eighteen months, shows that both can have an anti-aging effect on the brain, but only dancing corresponded to a noticeable difference in behavior. This difference is attributed to the extra challenge of learning dancing routines.

– Posted on August 29, 2017 in Neuroscience

Dancing may be good for the brain, according to a study from Germany in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

In a group of healthy seniors, the dancers, who were continually learning challenging new routines, had increases in more parts of the hippocampus and also had significant improvements in overall balance, compared to seniors who were doing aerobic fitness workouts, along with strength and flexibility training.

– Published March 06, 2018 by BerkeleyWellness (no longer available)

Dancing provides physical, psychological, and social benefits galore, so put on your dancing shoes and follow along.

Studies have shown improvements in balance, gait, walking speed, and reaction time, as well as cognitive and fine motor performance.

Dancing may also be good for your mood. It has been shown to reduce depression, anxiety, and stress and boost self-esteem, body image, coping ability, and overall sense of well-being, with the benefits lasting over time.

– Published November 20, 2014 by BerkeleyWellness (no longer available)