Events for January 30, 2020 - October 24, 2019

Spring Dance Party 2018-06-14

Walnut Road Elementary School 16152 82 Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada

Final dance session of the season! Bring finger-food to share and wear an ethnic costume if you like. We dance to a prepared playlist created from your requests!


Surrey Fest 2018-06-16

Holland Park 13428 Old Yale Rd, Surrey, BC, Canada

SIFD has a display table at the Surrey Fest Downtown. Come and see us between 11am and 4pm.


Fleetwood Seniors Chicken BBQ

Fleetwood Community Centre 15996 - 84 Avenue, Surrey, BC, Canada

Surrey Folk Dancers demonstrate dances at Seniors' Chicken BBQ at Fleetwood Community Centre. Event is from 11:30am to 2:30pm. SIFD entertains from 1-2pm. Celebrating Canada Day.


Summer BBQ 2018

Don's Farm 25133 0 Ave, Aldergrove, BC, Canada

Join us for dancing at our Summer BBQ. All lower mainland folk dancers invited! This year we dance to the tunes of Folk Voice Band of Seattle. And lots of your favourite recorded folk dances too! RSVP The annual Farm Tour begins as early as 4pm. Bring sensible shoes. Folk Dancing will also be happening before dinner. Dinner at 6pm is pot-luck. Let us know if you want to contribute meat for the BBQ. Bring side-dishes, salad, appetizers, beverages, desserts, etc. Dancing usually ends about 10pm when we collapse from exhaustion. RSVP. Admission $10.


Late Summer Dancing 2018-08-30

Dale's House 164 St. and 92A Ave., Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Dancing in Dale's Basement Dance Studio starting at 7pm tonight. We will be concentrating on choosing, dancing, and deciding on demonstration dances for this year's demonstration suite.

Late Summer Dancing 2018-09-06

Dale's House 164 St. and 92A Ave., Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Dancing in Dale's Basement Dance Studio starting at 7pm tonight. Second week of concentrating on choosing, dancing, and deciding on demonstration dances for this year's demonstration suite.

Dance Demo at Amenida 2018-09-08

Amenida Seniors Community 13855 68th Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada

Dance Demo at Amenida Seniors’ Community on Saturday, September 8, at 2:00. Meet there at 12:30pm to rehearse.

Weekly Dancing 2018-09-13

Walnut Road Elementary School 16152 82 Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada

Join us in learning folk dances set to ethnic music from around the world in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. No partner or costume required. Beginners are welcome!


Weekly Dancing 2018-09-20

Walnut Road Elementary School 16152 82 Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada

Join us in learning folk dances set to ethnic music from around the world in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. No partner or costume required. Beginners are welcome!


Dance Workshop with Roberto Bagnoli

Walnut Road Elementary School 16152 82 Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada

Join us in learning folk dances set to ethnic music from around the world in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. No partner or costume required. Beginners are welcome! This week, we welcome Roberto Bagnoli from Italy to teach a selection of folk dances.

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